- “IEEE Technical Activities Board Hall of Honor”, 2014 Honoree.
- “Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award”, IEEE Power & Energy Society, 2013.
- “Meritorious Service Award”, IEEE Power & Energy Society, 2012.
- “IEEE-USA Divisional Professional Leadership Award”, 2012.
- “IEEE-USA Professional Achievement Award”, 2011.
- “IEEE Millennium Medal” for outstanding achievements and contributions to IEEE, April 2000.
- “Outstanding Young Engineer”, IEEE Virginia Mountain Section, 1983.
IEEE Board/Committees
- Chair, TAB/PSPB Products & Services Committee (2007-2010)
- Chair, IEEE Publications Board and member, IEEE Board of Directors (2006)
- Chair, TAB Periodicals Committee (2004-2005)
- Vice Chair, IEEE Publications Board (2004-2005)
- Chair, IEEE PSPB N&A Committee (2009)
- Member, Proceedings of the IEEE Editorial Board (2004-2009)
- Chair, EAB Continuing Education Committee (2002)
- Member, TAB (2004-2005, 2007-2010, 2018-2019)
- Member-at-large, Energy Policy Committee (2004 — )
Power & Energy Society
- Past President (2020-2021)
- President (2018-2019)
- General Chair, Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conf. (2013, 2014 & 2015)
- EiC, IEEE Trans on Sustainable Energy (2009-2012)
- EiC, IEEE Electrifications Magazine (2013-2015)
- Vice President, Publications (2001-2003 and 2012-2013)
- Vice President, New Initiatives & Outreach (2008-2011)
Society on Social Implications of Technology
- Division VII Representative (2014-2019)